Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hors d'oeuvres of 1953

My wife picked up a copy of the 1953 Better Homes and Gardens cookbook at the Goodwill the other day. It's a fascinating document of post-war America. Leaving aside the assumption it makes that the kitchen and home were the exclusive domain of women ("Dear Homemaker... Of course you're a busy lady)", it offers a glimpse into how our attitudes and tastes have changed. How would would these hors d'oeuvres go over at your next party?

Cream 3 parts bleu cheese with 1 part anchovy paste; form in small rolls; chill; wrap in lettuce strips ad fasten with cocktail picks...

Moisten sieved cottage cheese with catsup; season to taste with Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper; form in tiny balls and roll in grated raw carrot...

Stuff chilled cooked prunes... with: (1) Cream cheese and pineapple tidbits. (2) Nippy cheese and chopped nuts...

There's also recipes that call for shredded salt codfish, mashed sardines, and deviled ham (well, not all in one recipe). Now, these all may be delicious. Let me know how they are if you decide to test them. But I suspect there's a reason that these tidbits have faded in popularity.

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